BC Court System

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What happens after divorce mediation?

What Happens After Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is often seen as a better alternative to a divorce hearing for splitting couples who can remain civil and work through problems together. We’re big advocates for divorce…
arguing couple contemplating difference between separation and divorce

The Difference between Separation and Divorce

Separation and divorce are two significant concepts in family law, but they are often misunderstood to mean the same thing. So what is the difference between separation and divorce? If…
DUI Strategy, Fight DUI Charges, Carter Defense, DUI Defense Strategy, DUI BC Lawyers, Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group, DUI Lawyer

The “Carter” DUI Defence Strategy

The Carter Defence is a strategy for fighting drunk driving or DUI charges in Canada. Its primary goal is to introduce “reasonable doubt” regarding the accused’s level of intoxication at…
how to change your bail conditions

How to Change Your Bail Conditions

Bail is a court order allowing you to remain in the community until your criminal case is finished. You must sign this court order and promise the court that you’ll…