BC Provincial Court

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DUI Strategy, Fight DUI Charges, Carter Defense, DUI Defense Strategy, DUI BC Lawyers, Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group, DUI Lawyer

The “Carter” DUI Defence Strategy

The Carter Defence is a strategy for fighting drunk driving or DUI charges in Canada. Its primary goal is to introduce “reasonable doubt” regarding the accused’s level of intoxication at…
single parent adoption BC Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Family Law

Single Parent Adoption in British Columbia

The process of adopting a child can be scary, especially if you are pursuing a single parent adoption. But at Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group, we’ve seen enough to know that…
interim orders and temporary custody Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Family Law

Interim Orders and Temporary Custody

Child custody issues are some of the most common and most stressful problems that we see here at Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group on a regular basis. And while we love…