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LGBT divorce

How to Navigate LGBT Divorce

A lot of discussion about divorce tends to be hetero-normative, despite the fact that same-sex and other “non-traditional” marriages have been legal for two decades! And while most of the…
contested divorce

What is a Contested Divorce?

When couples decide to end their marriage, they may encounter disputes regarding matters such as child custody, spousal support, division of property, and debt allocation. If these issues cannot be…
prenuptial agreements BC

What is a Prenuptial Agreement? (Prenup)

You’ve probably heard of a “prenup” before, more formally known as a prenuptial agreement. It’s okay if you haven’t, though. Most people have a general idea, but don’t know exactly…
unsigned separation agreement

What is a Separation Agreement?

In British Columbia, a separation agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by separating or divorcing spouses or partners. It is used to…
arguing couple contemplating difference between separation and divorce

The Difference between Separation and Divorce

Separation and divorce are two significant concepts in family law, but they are often misunderstood to mean the same thing. So what is the difference between separation and divorce? If…
pet parent considering pet custody in BC

Pet Custody in B.C.

The way family pets are treated during divorce or separation in British Columbia is undergoing significant changes, leading to the evolution of “pet custody” within family law. Pet custody in…
mother embracing daughter as she gets off school bus - joint custody school decisions

How School Decisions Work with Joint Custody

Joint custody school decisions are often the most polarizing decisions divorced or separated couples have to make. If you have joint custody or 50/50 custody, it may be difficult to…
joint custody schedule Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group family law

How to Create a Joint Custody Schedule

Joint custody can be a difficult endeavour, but when done right, a proper joint custody schedule can help your children flourish instead of suffer. Custody can be physical, legal, or…
just married couple with marriage agreement

What is a Marriage Agreement?

Thinking about getting married? If you’re getting married soon, you’ve probably heard from at least a few people that you might want to think about “getting a prenup.” More formally…