theft charges

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Theft of Motor Vehicle Charges

The theft of a motor vehicle is a serious criminal offence that can come with severe penalties if you are convicted. In this blog post, we will delve into the…

Extortion Charges in BC

Extortion is a criminal offence involving the act of obtaining something, such as money, property, or services, from another person through coercion, threats, or intimidation. It is a form of…
smashed car window resulting from property offences

Types of Property Offences

Property offences, also known as property crimes, refer to a category of criminal offences that involve the unlawful interference with or damage to someone else’s property. These offences are typically…
man with a crowbar breaking and entering an unattended home

A Guide to Breaking and Entering Charges

In British Columbia, the offense of breaking and entering is covered under the Criminal Code of Canada. Breaking and entering refers to the unlawful entry into a place with the…
man in jail for theft charge in BC

How Bad is a Theft Charge in BC?

What is the charge for theft in Canada? So you got caught taking something that wasn’t exactly your’s. Now you may be looking at a theft charge on your permanent…