Posts by Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group

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police recording wife's statement after filing domestic assault charges

Domestic Assault Charges in BC

In British Columbia, domestic assault refers to any form of physical or sexual violence, threats, or abusive behavior that occurs within an intimate or family relationship. The relationship can be…
man with a crowbar breaking and entering an unattended home

A Guide to Breaking and Entering Charges

In British Columbia, the offense of breaking and entering is covered under the Criminal Code of Canada. Breaking and entering refers to the unlawful entry into a place with the…
unsigned separation agreement

What is a Separation Agreement?

In British Columbia, a separation agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by separating or divorcing spouses or partners. It is used to…
What happens after divorce mediation?

What Happens After Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is often seen as a better alternative to a divorce hearing for splitting couples who can remain civil and work through problems together. We’re big advocates for divorce…
How to obtain a Canadian study permit

How to Obtain a Canadian Study Permit

Studying in Canada is an exciting opportunity that offers excellent academic institutions, diverse cultural experiences, and the potential for future immigration prospects. Every year, more and more international students seek…
What is a temporary resident permit?

What is a Temporary Resident Permit?

In Canada, a Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) is a document that allows an individual who is otherwise inadmissible to enter or remain in Canada for a limited period of time.…
arguing couple contemplating difference between separation and divorce

The Difference between Separation and Divorce

Separation and divorce are two significant concepts in family law, but they are often misunderstood to mean the same thing. So what is the difference between separation and divorce? If…
pet parent considering pet custody in BC

Pet Custody in B.C.

The way family pets are treated during divorce or separation in British Columbia is undergoing significant changes, leading to the evolution of “pet custody” within family law. Pet custody in…