Posts by Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group

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single parent adoption BC Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Family Law

Single Parent Adoption in British Columbia

The process of adopting a child can be scary, especially if you are pursuing a single parent adoption. But at Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group, we’ve seen enough to know that…
interim orders and temporary custody Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Family Law

Interim Orders and Temporary Custody

Child custody issues are some of the most common and most stressful problems that we see here at Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group on a regular basis. And while we love…
BC work papers Dhanu Dhaliwal Immigration Law

PGWP Holders Eligible for New Open Work Permit

International students bring so much to Canada, contributing over $21 billion annually to our economy and supporting the vitality of our communities. Yet the pandemic has presented myriad challenges for…
firearms offence Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Criminal Defence Law

A Guide to Firearms Offences in British Columbia

Firearms offences are incredibly serious, especially if you already have a criminal record. In this post, we’ll help you better understand firearms offences, and answer some frequently asked questions. What…