Posts by Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group

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smashed car window resulting from property offences

Types of Property Offences

Property offences, also known as property crimes, refer to a category of criminal offences that involve the unlawful interference with or damage to someone else’s property. These offences are typically…
father with visitation rights dropping son off for school

How Visitation Works in BC

Especially as your kids get older, visitation is never as simple as sticking to a schedule. It’s totally normal for a non-custodial parent to have specific wishes for visitation rights.…
divorced couple with a family lawyer working on a post-judgment modification

What is a Post-Judgment Modification?

If you’re looking to make some sort of change to your divorce agreement, you’ll likely need what is known as a post-judgement modification. In British Columbia, a post-judgment modification lets…
LGBT divorce

How to Navigate LGBT Divorce

A lot of discussion about divorce tends to be hetero-normative, despite the fact that same-sex and other “non-traditional” marriages have been legal for two decades! And while most of the…
contested divorce

What is a Contested Divorce?

When couples decide to end their marriage, they may encounter disputes regarding matters such as child custody, spousal support, division of property, and debt allocation. If these issues cannot be…
prenuptial agreements BC

What is a Prenuptial Agreement? (Prenup)

You’ve probably heard of a “prenup” before, more formally known as a prenuptial agreement. It’s okay if you haven’t, though. Most people have a general idea, but don’t know exactly…
judge signing emergency order

How to Obtain an Emergency Custody Order

When a child’s safety and well-being are at risk, immediate action is necessary to ensure their protection. In situations where there is a genuine concern for a child’s welfare, an…
How to Remove DUI, DUI Charge, DUI Offence, DUI Lawyer, DUI Defense Strategy, DUI Remove, DUI Record, Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group

How to Remove a DUI from Your Criminal Record

In Canada, removing a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) conviction or any other criminal offense from your record is achieved through a record suspension, formerly known as a pardon. While…
man uttering threats

Verbal Assault Laws in BC

In Canada, the term “verbal assault” is not specifically used in criminal law. However, certain forms of verbal aggression can be considered criminal offenses under different sections of the Criminal…