B.C. Man’s Fatal Hit-and-Run Delayed by Legal Loopholes – Rob Dhanu, K.C. Explains How

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B.C. Man’s Fatal Hit-and-Run Delayed by Legal Loopholes – Rob Dhanu, K.C. Explains How

The courtroom saga of Alexandre Romero-Arata, convicted in a fatal 2022 hit-and-run, has shone a light on how legal maneuvers can delay justice. Romero-Arata was sentenced to five years for causing the death of an Irish man, but the proceedings dragged on as he switched lawyers five times.

Former Crown prosecutor Rob Dhanu, K.C., weighed in on the case, offering insights into why the system allows repeated changes in legal counsel—and how it can sometimes be exploited.

A Tragic Case with Multiple Delays

In what should have been a straightforward case of criminal negligence causing death, Romero-Arata’s repeated dismissal of his legal representatives caused significant delays. His sixth and final counsel, Sarah Leamon, represented him during his sentencing, but not before months of stalling tactics. Eugene Byrne, the father of the 24-year-old victim, flew from Ireland to witness the proceedings—only to endure the drawn-out timeline.

Mr. Dhanu explains that while the Canadian legal system guarantees the right to representation, it also permits an accused to change lawyers if there is a breakdown in the solicitor-client relationship. “There’s no real limit to how many times someone can switch lawyers,” Rob Dhanu said. “But if Legal Aid feels the system is being abused, they have the discretion to refuse further changes.”

A System Vulnerable to Abuse

According to Mr. Dhanu, accused individuals may attempt to delay sentencing by repeatedly hiring and firing their lawyers. “It can be a strategic move,” he said. “But courts are cautious. Judges are aware of the potential for abuse and will push back if they suspect the accused is trying to manipulate the system.”

Romero-Arata’s case is a textbook example of this. The months-long delay in his hit-and-run case frustrated both the victim’s family and the public, with many questioning why such stalling tactics are permissible. Dhanu emphasizes that while frustrating, the system errs on the side of protecting the rights of the accused to avoid future appeals or retrials. “If representation is denied or handled improperly, the entire case could unravel,” Mr. Dhanu warned.

Upcoming Sentencing for Sexual Assault

As the dust settles on the hit-and-run case, Romero-Arata faces yet another sentencing—this time for the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl. The sentencing has been scheduled for 2025, and many are wondering if similar delays could occur. Dhanu advises that while the courts are aware of the prior case’s history, there’s little they can do if Romero-Arata continues to change legal counsel. “The system is built to prioritize fairness,” Rob Dhanu said, “even when it feels unfair to victims.”

The Takeaway

Romero-Arata’s case highlights the delicate balance between protecting the rights of the accused and ensuring justice for victims. Rob Dhanu, K.C., remains a critical voice in dissecting these complexities, reminding the public that while the process may seem flawed, it serves a vital purpose in upholding justice for all.

For more insights on high-profile cases and legal updates, contact Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group today.

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