BC Court System

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mother with joint custody holding daughter

Is Joint Custody Right for You?

Joint custody can be one of the best child custody decisions for your family.  In fact, the American Psychological Association found that children are more likely to be better adjusted…
what is a custody modification Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group

What is a Custody Modification?

It can be very difficult to obtain a custody modification in BC. A custody modification is a legal request to make specific changes to an existing custody agreement. Typically, a…
do most couples regret divorce

Do Most Couples Regret Divorce?

Do most couples regret divorce?  It’s a common question among couples who have decided on separating. If you’re looking to divorce your spouse, odds are this question crossed your mind. …
single parent adoption BC Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Family Law

Single Parent Adoption in British Columbia

The process of adopting a child can be scary, especially if you are pursuing a single parent adoption. But at Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group, we’ve seen enough to know that…
interim orders and temporary custody Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Family Law

Interim Orders and Temporary Custody

Child custody issues are some of the most common and most stressful problems that we see here at Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group on a regular basis. And while we love…
BC adoption lawyer Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group

BC Adoption Lawyer

There are few things in life more exciting, and more fraught with anxiety, than adopting a child. Adoption is a beautiful and admirable endeavor, and one that BC adoption lawyer…