criminal defence

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changes to cocaine charges in BC

Changes to Cocaine Charges in BC – 2024

Cocaine charges in British Columbia can be serious offences, depending on the amount of cocaine in your possession and the circumstances surrounding your case. However, recent legislation has relaxed some…

What is Cybercrime?

In Canada, cybercrime is a broad term that encompasses a range of criminal activities conducted using computers, computer networks, or the internet. It is defined and addressed under various Canadian…
Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group Guide to Police Interactions

A Guide to Police Interactions in Criminal Cases

In our modern society, the safeguarding of individual rights and liberties is paramount to upholding justice and ensuring a fair legal system. When it comes to interactions with the police…

Abduction Charges in BC

Abduction charges are among the most serious offences one can face, carrying severe consequences that can impact an individual’s life profoundly. This blog post aims to shed light on abduction…