criminal defence

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police recording wife's statement after filing domestic assault charges

Domestic Assault Charges in BC

In British Columbia, domestic assault refers to any form of physical or sexual violence, threats, or abusive behavior that occurs within an intimate or family relationship. The relationship can be…
are magic mushrooms legal in BC? Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group

Are Magic Mushrooms Legal in BC?

Well before BC passed massive drug decriminalization legislation earlier this year, magic mushrooms were relatively easy to find in our home province. Which is strange, considering they’re still illegal in…
police officer illegally unlocking a suspect's phone

Can the Police Unlock Your Phone?

In British Columbia, Canada, the police may be able to unlock your phone if they have a warrant or if you have given them permission to do so. The Canadian…
man in jail for first time assault charge

How to Beat a First Time Assault Charge

Assault charges in Canada are very serious, but you probably already know that. That’s why you’re wondering how to beat a first time assault charge. Assault charges can be a…