We recently stumbled upon this Quora thread where an anonymous user asks, “My boyfriend sells drugs without me knowing and I just found out. Am I wrong for being completely…
Now that marijuana is legal in Canada, experienced stoners and rookie smokers alike are asking the question: Where can I smoke weed in BC? Just like alcohol, there are limitations…
There’s been quite a lot of media attention on hallucinogenic drugs. Around the world, substances such as psilocybin and LSD are being tested for medical use. A growing body of…
“Are drugs legal in Vancouver?” Drug laws are slowly becoming more lenient here in British Columbia. This year alone has been monumental for drug reform in Vancouver. Drug problems like…
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced yesterday that Canada will take a leading role in resettling Afghan refugees who worked for NATO. The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees…
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada launched a new initiative yesterday to protect vulnerable women and girls who have been forcibly displaced from their homes in Central America. See their news…
What is the charge for theft in Canada? So you got caught taking something that wasn’t exactly your’s. Now you may be looking at a theft charge on your permanent…
Joint custody can be one of the best child custody decisions for your family. In fact, the American Psychological Association found that children are more likely to be better adjusted…
Hate speech laws have been the topic of heated debate over the last decade across Canada. While some see hate speech laws as infringement on civil liberties, others support the…
Thinking about getting married? If you’re getting married soon, you’ve probably heard from at least a few people that you might want to think about “getting a prenup.” More formally…
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